21 - 30Mar
22 - 23Mar
Wed, 26Mar
Thu, 27Mar
A scientist, a philosopher and two artists walk into a collection
Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha
Sat, 29Mar
Fri, 28Mar
21 - 30Mar
25 - 27Mar
Thu, 27Mar
Tue, 25Mar
22 - 23Mar
Labs Unlocked: QIMR Berghofer – A Day in the Life of a Scientist
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
21 - 22Mar
25 - 29Mar
Labs Unlocked: Green Infrastructure Research Labs
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
Mon, 24Mar
Labs Unlocked: Hendra Collections and Research Centre
Queensland Museum Collections & Research Centre, Hendra
21 - 28Mar
Plant[s] Matter: entangled relations Project
Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha
21 - 30Mar
Webuild: Safeguarding the Past. Building the Future.
Level 2, Queensland Museum Kurilpa