A constellation of brilliant astrophysicists, astronomers and astronauts shine a light on the cosmic mysteries and out-of-this-world discoveries in this unmissable series of space-aged events. Special guests include First Nations astronomer Karlie Noon and astrophysicists Kristen Banks exploring the Cosmos and its darkest mysteries. Put your helmets on and fasten your seatbelts as we count down to the ultimate journey into Space.
Infinity and Beyond
22 – 23Mar
Sat, 29Mar
Sun, 23Mar
Cosmic Caretaking: Connection, Care, and Responsibility in Space
Queensland Museum Kurilpa
Sat, 29Mar
Ultimate Cosmic Heavyweights: The Darkest Mysteries of the Universe
Queensland Museum Kurilpa
Wed, 26Mar
Wed, 26Mar
Fri, 28Mar
Sat, 22Mar